Shiksha Samachar

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Successful People’s Secrets: Tools of Titans By Tim Ferriss

Successful People’s Secrets: Tools of Titans By Tim Ferriss is a book that analyses the secrets of millionaires and billionaires. ‘Tools of Titans’ analyses successful people in every industry who have developed habits that led them to success. The book shares the wisdom, thoughts, actions, and beliefs of some of the world’s most successful people, from business owners to movie stars.

Successful People’s Secrets: Tools of Titans By Tim Ferriss

How Can You Succeed?

  • Big changes can come in small packages, which means that doing modest things regularly can lead to big results.
  • It is critical to practise mindfulness or meditation on a daily basis.
  • Weaknesses can be leveraged to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Every version of success has been achieved by others, thus there are “recipes” to be learned.
  • World-class performers have weaknesses but have maximised 1-2 strengths.
  • Importance of having strong norms for decision-making, long-term planning, and dealing with obstacles and disasters
  • How successful people achieved financial, health, and knowledge success
  • How incredibly successful people question reality and venture into the absurd in order to get new insights and ideas that would not be feasible with limited thinking.
  • Lessons gained from other people’s mistakes.
  • The significance of being exposed to new people, ideas, and problems.
  • World-class successful people’s insights, habits, and perspectives


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