Meeting of the Project Partibha Manthan: April 21 D. C. Jhajjar. A round table discussion with students and the principal was convened under the pilot project of Partibha Manthan run by Alohomora Education Foundation, under the guidance and leadership of the Deputy Commissioner, Captain Shakti Singh, I.A.S.
Meeting of the Project Partibha Manthan: April 21, D. C. Jhajjar
D. C., Captain Shakti Singh, Jhajjar, talked to the students of seven schools, GGSSS, JHAJJAR, GSSS, Talao, GSSS, Gwalison, GSSS, Mattan Hail, GSSS, Khuddan, GSSS, Baharana, GSSS, Lukshar. Teachers of these and other schools also participated in this programme. On this occasion, Dr. Pooja Nandal, Nodal Officer, Jhajjar Partibha Manthan, told that the project Partibha Manthan is running in 176 schools in Jhajjar with the help of Alohomora Education Foundation.
D. C., Captain Shakti Singh, Jhajjar shared his views on the project gathering
Captain Shaki Singh shared important information about the reasons and visions behind the project with students and teachers. He further encouraged students to achieve what they aspire to. It is a good beginning in the Jhajjar district where students are really benefitted in their academics and career development.
Sh. Rajaesh Khanna, DEO, Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj,DEEO, Sh. Ratinder Singh, BEO, Smt. Anju Gambhir, BRC, and Sh. Sudershan Punia were present in the meeting. Schools teachers, Seema, Preeti, Ritu, Kiran, Satya Parkash, Suman, and Dharambir were also present at the function. The participants teachers also shared their experiences.
What services does Alohomora Education Foundation provide in Partibha Manthan to students?
Dr Nandal further detailed the services of the Alohomora Education Foundation in our district, Jhajjar. Project Partibha manthan covers Career Counselling, Career Training and Skills, and Help students develop. Mr Utkarsh, Programme Manager, Pilot Project Partibha Manthan, also addressed the students and told their aims and vision and how they are helping the students in Jhajjar’s schools.
Alohomora Education Foundation Aims and Vision Highlights Talent Hunt among students
Mr Utkarsh, Programme Manager, Pilot Project Partibha Manthan, also addressed the students and told them about their aims and vision and how they are helping the students in Jhajjar’s schools. He further explains the details of the foundation.
The Alohomora Education Foundation aimsAlohomora Education Foundation is to empower young people from marginalised communities to choose careers that match their interests and aptitudes. Students go through a 5-step career decision-making process with the help of our flagship product, We assist the Delhi Government in developing and implementing its Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum, and we are in charge of developing the Deshke Mentor initiative, which will expand the reach of our programme to 7+ lakh children in 1024 Delhi schools. Additionally, we are directing Pratibha Manthan, a career exploration programme for 20,000 students in Jhajjar, in partnership with the District Administration of Jhajjar.
Writing Skills You Need to Learn the Project Partibha Manthan
I, Mahinder Singh Yadav, Principal, GGSSS, Silana (Jhajjar), always utilise such occasions for the benefit of students so that their writing skills can be improved, and I have written more than 50 topics on writing skills by using such opportunities on
Report Writing on the Meeting of the Project Partibha Manthan
You are Seema, a student in class 12 at GGSSS, Jhajjar. You attended the meeting of Project Partibha Manthan on April 21. Write a report for your school magazine.
Report on the Project Partibha Manthan
By Seema
As a reporter for my school’s magazine, I got to attend the Project Partibha Manthan held on April 21 in the conference hall of Jhajjar in the Mini Secretariat. A round table discussion with students and the principal was convened under the pilot project of Partibha Manthan, run by Alohomora Education Foundation, under the guidance and leadership of the Deputy Commissioner, Captain Shakti Singh, I.A.S.
On this occasion, Dr Pooja Nandal, Nodal Officer, Jhajjar Partibha Manthan, told us that the project Partibha Manthan is running in 176 schools in Jhajjar with the help of the Alohomora Education Foundation. D. C., Captain Shakti Singh, Jhajjar, talked to the students of seven schools: GGSSS, JHAJJAR, GSSS, Talao, GSSS, Gwalison, GSSS, Mattan Hail, GSSS, Khuddan, GSSS, Baharana, GSSS, and Lukshar. Teachers from these and other schools also participated in this programme.
Captain Shaki Singh shared important information about the reasons and visions behind the project with students and teachers. He further encouraged students to achieve what they aspired to. It is a good beginning in the Jhajjar district, where students are benefiting in their academics and career development.
Sh. Rajaesh Khanna, DEO; Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj,DEEO; Sh. Ratinder Singh, BEO; Smt. Anju Gambhir, BRC; and Sh. Sudershan Punia was present in the meeting. School teachers Seema, Preeti, Ritu, Kiran, Satya Parkash, Suman, and Dharambir were also present at the function. The participants teachers also shared their experiences.
Mr Utkarsh, Programme Manager, Pilot Project Partibha Manthan, also addressed the students and told them about their aims and vision and how they are helping the students in Jhajjar’s schools. He further explains the details of the foundation.
Students in Jhajjar District will benefit from this meeting.
Meeting of the Project Partibha Manthan Minutes in Images