Shiksha Samachar

केवल शिक्षा उद्देश्यों के लिए।

How can students overcome the stress of results?

How can students overcome the stress of results?

Tensions about results, performance in the results, and what to do after the results have gripped students, parents, and teachers. The parents’ thoughts were taken over by fears of result-related suicides. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. After the result is known, this is the critical moment to handle the problem. As a result, everyone is wondering how to deal with exam result anxiety. Today, I have decided to write something which can bring relief to students and parents whose kids didn’t perform well in the HBSE result for class 12.

“Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, No matter how difficult or unfair, You will do more than simply survive. You will thrive despite it.” Joel Osteen

How can students overcome the stress of results?

  • Assess your performance and try to improve it next time.
  • Talk to your friends and share your feelings.
  • Plan for the future instead of thinking too much about the result.
  • Talk to your teachers for future action on admission after your school.
  • Have good food and sound sleep.
  • Never compare yourself with others and get frustrated. Just think of your performance and compare it with the previous one.
  • Do research on your future course.
  • Work out your hidden talents.
  • Learn from your mistakes instead of criticising yourself.
  • Failures and unexpected results provide you an opportunity to reevaluate your strategies for the future. Always focus on your weak points and learn how to improve your techniques.
  • Don’t take your parents’ advice seriously. Cool down and relax with friends.
  • Even if you fail, the wastage of one never matters. Start a new season with new friends. Things will be all right soon.
  • If you still feel depressed, consult your doctor or counselor.

Be alert to changes in your child’s behavior in the next two-three days

  • Always be vigilant: Be alert for any signs that may indicate that your child is going through some mental stress. He/She keeps himself away from friends and doesn’t tdoesn’troper diet. Therefore, spend some days with your child to avoid mishappening.
  • Create a positive e environment: Parents must create an environment where your Matheran reveals his feelings.
  • Encourage your child to express his feeling about the result and try to find the right solution for him.
  • Don’t compel the children to go to friends if they are not feeling comfortable in friends’ company.
  • Take leave to leave our office and spend time with your kid.
  • Always be supportive and talk about the topics he likes to listen to.
    • Consult the psychologist if you can’t handle the situation.
    • Schools should organise a PTM immediately after the result. Schools should organise a counseling sessions to relieve their students from the aftereffects of exams.

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