CBSE has published sample papers for classes 10 and 12 for all the classes at the beginning of the session 2023–2024 for the convenience of students and parents. CBSE Sample Papers 2024: Download Classes 10 and 12 From Here CBSE has also published marking schemes (MS) for different papers of classes 10 and 12.
CBSE has changed the pattern of examinations in both classes 10 and 12. Last year, CBSE also changed the pattern of examinations. This year, 2024, the emphasis is on multiple choice questions, and their credit is also increased to benefit the students. Students who have passed classes 9 and 11 are advised to download the sample paper 2024 and marking schemes to score excellent marks in the upcoming exams in 2024. For complete CBSE CLASS 12 ENGLISH SOLUTIONS, visit

CBSE Sample Papers 2024: Download Class 10 and 12 From Here
Students who have passed classes 9 and 11, can download these sample papers for 2024 from CBSE OFFICIAL WEBSITE.
As a school principal, I sincerely advise reading the sample papers thoroughly and preparing for your examination in 2024.
Class 10 Science: The students will have five sections in the examination. The first question will be multiple choice questions. Science papers will have 20 marks for MCQs.
The session started on April 1 and the board published the details at the beginning of the session so that the students and teachers can plan accordingly.
The teachers can plan their lessons to benefit the students.
Download your copy of question papers sample 2024 from the above link.
1. CBSE publishes an annual curriculum for classes IX through XII that includes academic content, examination syllabus with learning outcomes, pedagogical practises, and assessment guidelines.
2. It is critical that schools ensure curriculum transactions are carried out in accordance with the instructions provided on the first pages of the Curriculum document. Subjects should be taught in accordance with the curriculum, using appropriate strategies such as Art-Integrated Education, Experiential Learning, Pedagogical Plans, and so on.
3. Because the CBSE has adopted the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage – 2022, schools providing foundational or preparatory education are advised to follow the recommendations regarding curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and other areas detailed in the NCFFS-2022 and Board guidelines issued from time to time.
4. Sample Question Papers with detailed designs are also available on the CBSE website to reflect the impact of curriculum changes. In order to ensure transparency and reduce stress, SQPs also provide students with an idea of the exam pattern and the types of questions that may be asked in the actual examination.
By reviewing these Sample Question Papers, students will gain a clear understanding of the weightage of various topics as well as the marking scheme to be used.
Schools are requested to share the Curriculum and Sample Question Papers available on at the given links, with all students and teachers –
– Secondary & Senior Secondary School Curriculum –
– Sample Question Papers – Secondary –
– Sample Question Papers – Senior Secondary –