Basic Maths and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Jhajjar Block were held on May 25 at 10 a.m. at the BEO office in Jhajjar under the supervision of Sh. Subhash Bhardwaj, DEEO, Jhajjar. This programme involved 31 kids from various schools. Sh. Satyawan Dhull, DPC JHAJJAR, Sh. Rupender Singh, BEO Jhajjar, Smt. Anju Gambhir, BRC JHAJJAR, and Sh. Mahinder Singh Yadav, CRC SILANA were all present.
Updated on May 26, 2023

Cluster Level Test
Basic Maths and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Jhajjar Block
SJS GGSSS Silana Observed Bag Free Day and Cluster Level FLN Competition
Basic Math and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Jhajjar Block
The following schools participated in the competition: GGPS, SILANA, SILANI, UNTLODHA, GIJARODH, RAIPUR, GPS SILANI, and 16 students participated in the FLN exams.
SJS GGSSS Silana Observed Bag Free Day and Cluster Level FLN Competition in the school campus. The programme started with prayer and national anthem.
Mahinder Singh Yadav, Principal, SJS GGSSS, SILANA, addressed the students and teachers and appreciated the inatitive of Basic Maths and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Jhajjar Block. He distributed the prizes to the rankers of the test.
NIPUN Haryana Mission
The New Education Policy 2020 emphasises the importance of fundamental knowledge as the cornerstone of all subsequent learning. On July 5, 2021, the Indian government announced the NIPUN Bharat Mission with the goal of ensuring that all children possess the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy. In accordance with its commitment, Haryana is working to fulfil the goals of the NIPUN Bharat Mission for basic literacy (Hindi and English) and numeracy. As a result, on July 30, 2021, the Government of Haryana officially started the NIPUN Haryana Mission. Haryana is implementing a number of academic and governmental efforts as part of the objective to guarantee that all pupils are FLN competent by grade 3.
Haryana has been at the forefront of NEP 2020 implementation and places a high priority on achieving the objectives of basic learning. Assuring fair access to high-quality education will go a long way towards raising living standards later on by ensuring great education at fundamental levels. The state is committed to ensuring that every child in Haryana reaches the grade-level proficiency requirements for foundational reading and numeracy and is ready for their future under the NIPUN Haryana Mission.
Basic Maths and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Jhajjar Block
The following schools participated in the competition: GGPS, SILANA, SILANI, UNTLODHA, GIJARODH, RAIPUR, GPS SILANI and 16 students participated in the FLN exams.
Result of Basic Maths and Language Proficiency Tests in Class 3: Silana, Jhajjar Block

According to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, achieving universal acquisition of fundamental literacy and numeracy abilities at the primary level by 2025 is the top priority for the school education system. A child’s foundational education serves as the cornerstone for all subsequent learning. Unable to read and write with understanding, write, and perform fundamental mathematical operations, a child is not prepared for the intricacies of the curriculum beyond grade III. Under the NIPUN Bharat Mission, the following significant actions have been conducted thus far:
अत्यंत ही सराहनीय लेख 🙏🏼🙏🏼