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Teachers’ Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani

Haryana is getting ready to organise a cyclothon event from September 1 to 25 in an effort to combat drug abuse and promote a better lifestyle. On September 1, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will signal the start of the cyclothon from Karnal, his home district. In Yamunanagar, the cyclothon is supposed to come to an end.

Haryana Principal Secretary V Umashankar led a Monday online meeting with deputy commissioners and police superintendents to assess the preparations. “With the firm resolve to tackle the menace of drug abuse and propagate a culture of health and fitness among the people of the state, especially those residing in rural areas, dedicated efforts should be made by the district administration and the allied departments to pave the way for a resounding campaign against the sale and usage of drugs,” Umashankar said.

Teachers’ Day 2023 Celebrated by Welcoming Haryana Cyclothon to fight drug misuse at GGSSS, Silani

GGSSS, Cluster Silana welcomed Haryana Cyclothon to fight drug misuse at GGSSS, Silani. On this ocassion, the DEO JHAJJAR, Sh. Rajesh Kumar Khanna receved the Cyclothon to fight drug misuse at GGSSS, Silani. On this ocassion, Sh. M.S Yadav, Principal and CRC, Smt. Sushila, Principal, Smt. Seema were present on the ocassion and received the Cyclothon to fight drug misuse at GGSSS, Silani.

Silani, Haryana, September 5, 2023 – In a unique and impactful celebration of Teachers’ Day, GGSSS Cluster Silani welcomed the Haryana Cyclothon as a symbolic gesture to combat drug misuse within the community. The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including Sh. Rajesh Kumar Khanna, District Education Officer (DEO) of Jhajjar, and witnessed enthusiastic participation from the school’s leadership, including Sh. M.S. Yadav, Principal, CRC, Smt. Sushila, and Smt. Seema.Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, SilaniTeachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani Teachers' Day 2023 Celebrated with Haryana Cyclothon to Combat Drug Misuse at GGSSS, Silani

Haryana Cyclothon was welcomed at GGSSS, Cluster Silani to battle drug abuse there. On this occasion, the Cyclothon was given to the DEO JHAJJAR, Sh. Rajesh Kumar Khanna, to combat drug abuse at GGSSS, Silani. To combat drug abuse at GGSSS, Silani, Sh. M.S. Yadav, Principal, CRC, Smt. Sushila, Principal, and Smt. Seema were present on this occasion and accepted the Cyclothon.

Students from SJS GGSSS, Silana and GSSS, Silani students joined the the Cyclothon and reached at GSSS, Dadanpur by Sh. Hariom, BRC and Principal from GSSS, Khuddan and dadanpur were present.

Taking a Stand Against Drug Misuse

The occasion was marked by a resolute commitment to address the pressing issue of drug misuse, especially among the youth. Recognizing the pivotal role that educators play in shaping young minds, GGSSS, Silani, leveraged the platform of Teachers’ Day to take a stand against this menace.

Welcoming the Haryana Cyclothon

As a symbol of their dedication to this cause, the school welcomed the Haryana Cyclothon. This unique initiative not only promotes physical fitness but also underscores the importance of a drug-free society. The Cyclothon was received with great enthusiasm, reflecting the collective resolve of the school and the community to combat drug misuse.

The Presence of Distinguished Guests

The event received an added layer of significance with the presence of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Khanna, DEO Jhajjar, who commended the school’s efforts to address the critical issue of drug misuse. His support and encouragement bolstered the school’s commitment to creating a safer and healthier environment for its students.

Acknowledging the School Leadership

The school leadership, including Sh. M.S. Yadav, Principal, CRC, Smt. Sushila, and Smt. Seema, played a pivotal role in organizing this impactful event. Their dedication to the cause of education and community welfare was evident in their active participation and support for the Cyclothon initiative.

A Unified Stand for a Drug-Free Future

The Teachers’ Day celebration with the Haryana Cyclothon served as a powerful reminder that the educational community stands united against the scourge of drug misuse. It reinforced the idea that educators not only impart knowledge but also actively work towards creating a better future for their students and the society at large.


In commemorating Teachers’ Day 2023 with the Haryana Cyclothon, GGSSS, Silani, sent a strong message that education goes beyond textbooks. It is about nurturing responsible and informed citizens who contribute to the betterment of society. The event’s success lies not only in its celebration but in the collective commitment to combat drug misuse and build a brighter future for the youth of Haryana.

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