Shiksha Samachar

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SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh

Silana village, a place of pride, recently came together to honor the memory of one of its own heroes, Saheed Jagbir Singh. Born on June 5, 1968, in the heart of Silana, Jagbir Singh embarked on a noble path of service by joining the Border Security Force (BSF) on April 1, 1988. His commitment to the nation knew no bounds, and it was on September 19, 1990, that he made the ultimate sacrifice for his beloved country.SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh

Principal Mahinder Singh Yadav and the dedicated staff of [SJS GGSSS, Silana] demonstrated the importance of acknowledging and remembering the heroes who have given their all for our country. Their tribute to [Name] was not only a mark of respect but also a reminder of the profound impact that one individual’s dedication can have on an entire community.

Principal Mahinder Singh Yadav presided over the ceremony and took the opportunity to impart valuable lessons to the students present. He emphasized the paramount importance of soldiers, like Saheed Jagbir Singh, in preserving the sovereignty and security of any nation. Principal Yadav also assigned a meaningful project to the students, urging them to visit the families of martyrs from the village, learn about their sacrifices, and compile detailed reports. These reports are to be submitted to the principal’s office within a week, fostering a deep sense of respect and gratitude among the younger generation for their heroic predecessors.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of several dedicated teachers, including Preeti Singh, Madhu, Roma, Meenakshi, Surender Singh, Amit Kumar, Sushma, Pradeep Kumar, Banita, Sangeeta, Suman, and Neeru. Their support and participation added to the solemnity and significance of the occasion.

Saheed Jagbir Singh’s sacrifice stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of our armed forces personnel, who lay down their lives to protect our nation. Silana village, with its heartfelt tribute, continues to honor the memory of this brave son, ensuring that his legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of its people.

SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh

The tragic incident occurred during a fierce encounter between paramilitary forces and terrorists in the volatile region of Sopore, Kashmir, India. In the midst of the chaos, a bullet struck Sh. Jagbir Singh, leading to his untimely demise. His sacrifice in the line of duty serves as a poignant reminder of the valor and dedication displayed by our armed forces in safeguarding our nation.

To commemorate this solemn occasion, a heartfelt ceremony was organized at SJS GGSSS in Silana. Among the attendees were Saheed Jagbir Singh’s daughter, Seema, his uncle, Sh. Satbir Singh, the Village Sarpanch, Sh. Rakesh Kumar, and numerous villagers who gathered to pay their respects.

Principal Mahinder Singh Yadav and Staff Pay Tribute to the Hero

In a touching display of reverence and gratitude, Principal Mahinder Singh Yadav and the dedicated staff of [SJS GGSSS, Silana] came together to pay tribute to a true hero. The occasion was solemn yet filled with a deep sense of honor as they gathered to commemorate the life and sacrifice of a brave individual who exemplified valor and dedication.

In honor of his memory and sacrifice, Principal Mahinder Singh Yadav and the entire staff of [School Name] came together for a heartfelt tribute. The gathering was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals like [Name] who dedicate their lives to safeguarding the nation.

During the ceremony, Principal Yadav addressed the attendees, speaking about the significance of heroes like [Saheed Jagbir Singh] in the context of our nation’s security and well-being. He emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring such individuals whose sacrifices often go unnoticed.

As a symbol of their respect and admiration, Principal Yadav and the staff also laid wreaths and lit candles in [Saheed Jagbir Singh’s memory. The solemnity of the moment was palpable, and it served as a powerful reminder of the debt of gratitude owed to all those who serve the country.

The ceremony concluded with a moment of silence, allowing everyone present to reflect on [Name]’s sacrifice and the sacrifices of countless others who protect our nation’s freedom and security.

SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh SJS GGSSS, Silana Pays Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh

SJS GGSSS, Silana Paid Tribute to Saheed Jagbir Singh

Saheed Jagbir Singh was born on June 5, 1968 in Silana village and joined BSF on April 1, 1988. He lost his life for the country on September 19, 1990 after fire broke out between paramilitary forces and terrorists and a bullet injured and Sh. Jagbir Singh lost his life at Sopore, Kashmir, India. On this ocassion, at school, his daughter, Seema , Sh Satbir Singh, Uncle , Village Sarpanch, Sh. Rakesh Kumar, and villagers were present.

On this ocassion, Principal, Mahinder Singh Yadav, Paid tribute and addressed the students regarding the importance of Sainiks for any country. He also gave a project to students to visit the families of martyrs of the villge and know about the details of martyrs of the village and write a report and submit to the principal office in a week.

On this ocassion, The following teachers were present: Preeti Singh, Madhu, Roma, Meenakshi, Surender Singh, Amit Kumar, Sushma, Pradeep Kumar, Banita, Sangeeta, Suman, and Neeru were present on the ocassion.



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