Jhajjar Boy Created the First Digital Spoken Newspaper for the elderly who are unable to read newspapers. When we were tiny children, our illiterate elders used to beg us to read the newspaper for them. Time has passed, and the Jhanswa Boy has created an app that allows elderly people to listen to the newspaper without having it read aloud to them by a child.

Kartikeya Jakhar, a student from Jhanswa, Jhajjar, created a digital-spoken newspaper.
Innovation is the cornerstone of any country’s development, and we have hidden talents in our schools, but such innovations are not exploited and do not receive incentives. Kartik, a 13-year-old student, created a digital newspaper using artificial intelligence, and he was inspired by his mother, who is unable to read. Shrikunj, his software, allows us to read and view videos, and it is specifically created for elderly individuals who are unable to read.
Ajit Singh, his father, is a farmer who works in the fields to make ends meet.
Jakhar, a student in Class 8, has received numerous honourable awards at such a young age. Kartik qualified for the Harvard University entrance exam and received a scholarship as a result. He is a university student majoring in computer science.
A boy in Class 8 at Jhajjar’s Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya named Kartikeya Jakhar created three educational applications on his own and found his way to Harvard University in the United States. He also managed to enter himself into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Hidden Talents in Schools in Haryana: M.S. Yadav, Principal, SJS GGSSS, Silana (JHAJJAR)
The principal informed us that while we have abilities in our schools, they are not being identified or developed. He went on to mention that throughout our school service, we had found students. If the school has a scientific educator, he can properly advise the students. Now that the Haryana government has established artificial laboratories in schools, it is my sincere request that such labs be directed by someone capable of teaching artificial intelligence. ChatGpt is a modern example of artificial intelligence software that allows you to talk to and question anyone and get the best information. Teachers should seek out and support Kartik, and we have thousands of them in our classrooms.
Kartikeya Jakhar, a young man from Haryana’s Jhanswa area, has already produced three educational apps. If your parents and teachers encourage you, you can learn a lot by using a search engine like Google, Youtube, or ChatGpt.
Kartikeya Jakha, a young man from Jhanswa, Jhajjar district in Haryana, has already created three educational apps. You can learn a lot by utilising a search engine like Google, Youtube, or ChatGpt if your parents and teachers support you.
Jakhar, a student in Class 8, has received numerous honourable awards at such a young age. Kartik qualified for the Harvard University entrance exam and received a scholarship as a result. He is a university student majoring in computer science.
A boy in Class 8 at Jhajjar’s Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya named Kartikeya Jakhar created three educational applications on his own and found his way to Harvard University in the United States. He also managed to enter himself into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Congratulations to Kartik and his family for being Jhajjar’s shining star. We’re all really proud of you: M.S.Yadav, Principal
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Very Nice. Congratulations to Kartik for the excellent work.
Keep encouraging students.