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Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration

Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration

Under the banner of fostering inter-school interaction, GGSSS Silana and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kaloi, Jhajjar, joined hands to organize a combined Rangoli and Mehndi competition on February 15, 2024. The event took place at the school hall of SJS GGSSS, Silana, and witnessed enthusiastic participation from students of both institutions.Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration

Mrs. Veena and Mrs. Parul, representing Navodaya School, actively engaged in the competitions, showcasing their talent and creativity alongside other participants. The vibrant atmosphere of the event was further enhanced by the presence of Principal M.S. Yadav, who graced the occasion and encouraged the students with his motivational words.Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration

The highlight of the event was the distribution of prizes to the deserving winners by Principal Yadav, recognizing their exceptional skills and dedication. In his address, Principal Yadav emphasized the significance of such collaborative initiatives in nurturing creativity and camaraderie among students.

List of Winners of the Competition

Inter-School Rangoli and Mehndi Competition Promotes Creativity and Collaboration

Following the competitions and prize distribution, students and staff enjoyed refreshing refreshments, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among all participants. The event concluded on a high note, leaving behind cherished memories and a sense of accomplishment among all involved.

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