HBSE Class 12 English (Core) Syllabus Changed 2023–24 as per the Haryana Board School Education Visit the Haryana Board’s official website for the change in syllabus. HBSE Class 12 English (Core) Syllabus Changed 2023–24 In Flamingo’s Poetry section, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’ and Vistas’, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mummy’, and “Evans Tries an O-Level’ have been removed from the HBSE Class 12 English (Core) Syllabus Changed 2023–24.
HBSE Class 12 English(Core) Syllabus Changed 2023-24
Syllabus and Chapter Wise Division of Marks (2023-24): Courtesy, HBSE
Class: 12 Subject: English (Core) Code: 501
General Instructions:
1. There will be an Annual Examination based on the entire syllabus.
2. The Annual Examination will be that of 80 marks and 20 marks weightage
will be given for Internal Assessment.
3. For Internal Assessment:
The Periodic Assessment will include:
i) For 4 marks- Two SAT exams will be conducted and will have a weightage
of 04 marks (best two out of three) towards the final Internal Assessment.
ii) For 2 marks- One half yearly exam will be conducted and will have a
weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
iii) For 2 marks- One pre board exam will be conducted and will have a
weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
iv) For 2 marks- Subject teacher will assess and give maximum 02 marks for
CRP (Classroom Participation) towards the final Internal Assessment.