Shiksha Samachar

केवल शिक्षा उद्देश्यों के लिए।

Being humble can be beneficial at odd times.

Being humble can be beneficial at odd times. Humility is the ability to identify yourself where you can recognise your strengths and weaknesses. Humility is part of your character. So, being humble can be beneficial at odd times. Unfortunately, humility is never regarded as an asset but it is generally considered as a weakness. ‘Humility, the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people’

Being humble can be beneficial at odd times

Being humble can be beneficial at odd times.

Researchers tell us that people who are humble always feel attached to others. How can it help at our working place? Maintaining humility at the workplace is essential because it not only helps you develop a more considerate approach to interacting with others but also influences how you perceive yourself and your surroundings.

Humility Improves Interaction with Others at Workplace

If one is humble, it allows one to be more compassionate and empathic towards others. Those who practise humility are more likely to take into account the ideas and opinions of others. This is most likely because humility allows you to become less self-centered and more sensitive to the sentiments of others.

Thus, humility allows you to become less self-centered and more sensitive to the sentiments of others.

Always appreciate and encourage others.

One should always appreciate and encourage others at the workplace. Good work is to be appreciated, and this will increase your employee’s efficiency.

Take care of your coworkers.

It is necessary to understand how  our coworkers can be happy. Understand how one becomes happy, either by words or by acts.

Improve Your Self-Awareness

Insecurities that people do not typically recognise may be the source of egotistic or self-righteous behaviour to protect oneself from criticism or rejection from others. It’s critical to consider whether your excessive self-esteem stems from insecurities or prior experiences. A mental health expert can assist you in gaining a better understanding of who you are and who you want to be.

When you can, give compliments.

Recognising the successes and efforts of others can help you shift your focus away from yourself.

Compliment others on a job well done. Focusing on the feelings of others can help you get more out of yourself.

Humble Quotes 

“Don’t think less of yourself, just think of yourself less.” – Ken Blanchard

“There’s no need to show off when you know who you are.” – Maxime Lagacé

“Do you wish people to think well of you? Don’t speak well of yourself.” – Blaise Pascal

A Thought from the teacher, M.S. Yadav on Humility

Always be humble to others even if you were the greatest at something.  Accept your  failure gracefully and humbly encourage others by offering someone else flowers and a standing ovation when it is due. Sometimes you won’t be the one on stage receiving the flowers, and sitting down and being humble might feel just as rewarding.

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